Helping Struggling Readers Find Success


This site is designed to help teachers and parents guide their struggling readers to find success. Because reading is a challenge for a lot of students, there is a wealth of resources available! Across the menu are pages specified to a few of my personal favorite reading resources.

In the video below Maureen Lewis, from Oxford Education, discusses tips and strategies for motivating struggling readers. 

Maureen's Tips For Success

1. Boost children's self-motivation and provide external motivators. 

2. Provide opportunities for children to experience the pleasure and usefulness of reading. 

3. Reading material must be inviting and engaging - this includes books, comics, programs, magazines, and other material! 

4. Students must experience success as well as appropriate challenge. 

5. Reading should be experienced as a social, collaborative event. 

5. Students need feedback on their achievements and guidance on next steps. 

6. Celebrate success at school and at home. 

Most importantly, provide LOTS of opportunities for children to be read to, to read themselves, and to talk about books! 

Take time to check out each of the pages across the menu at the top of the screen and explore the linked material.